The Student Wellbeing Webinar Series: Taking the bite out of Covid-19, Aug 24


August Discussion Series

The NSU Student CARE Team is dedicated to intervention, education, and outreach across all NSU Campuses. We offer presentations and training on various topics including resources (e.g. student disability services, CARE team, Student Counseling and Conduct) overview, as well as presentations aimed at academic success, well-being and life skills along with mental health awareness.

Mindful Choosing: Addiction Awareness (Bilingual Haitian Creole and English)

Aug 24th 12:00 – 1:00pm

By: Aline Milfort, 3rd year School of Psychology Doctoral Student; Julia Nucolo,3rd year School of Psychology Doctoral Student & Catherine Ivey, 3rd year School of Psychology Doctoral Student

Our presentation will discuss the basis of mindfulness as well as how to utilize mindfulness based on decision making in relation to alcohol and drugs. Attendees will learn and be able to discuss and apply this knowledge at the closing of the presentation.

Prezantasyon nou an ap diskite fondasyon yon teknik ki rele mindfulness, yon tèm ki konsantre konsyans nou sou yon moman prezan. Epi prezantayson sa ap diskite ki jan pou itilize fè desizyon an relasyon ak alkòl ak dwòg. Patisipan yo pral aprann epi konprann kijan pou diskite ak aplike sa yon aprann nan fen prezantasyon an.

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