COVID-19 Has Devastated The Black Community. Here’s Why And What Needs To Change, Oct. 14



COVID-19 Has Devastated The Black Community. Here’s Why And What Needs To Change.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Online/Zoom | Time: 4:00 – 5:30 PM

Free Event

“While I have had several family members, family friends and acquaintances who have fallen ill with and died of COVID-19, my colleagues have had none. The single obvious difference between my colleagues and me? I am Black.”

Dr. Jefferson Shah will be discussing the following topics based on her June 8, 2020 Huffington Post article.


  • Black Americans are twice as likely to know someone who has tested positive or died from COVID-19. Why?
  • Racism, bias, ignorance and misconceptions in medicine and clinical research.
  • New legislation should give the regulatory power needed to incentivize the inclusion of minorities in non-NIH-funded research
  • Q&A

Dr. Akilah A. Jefferson Shah is an NIH-trained allergist and immunologist. She is also an expert in health policy and bioethics. Her work focuses on the intersections of health care, clinical research, health disparities, health policy and ethics. She is from New Orleans, Louisiana.

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