Education Professor to Present at the OLC Innovate 2020 Virtual Conference

Anymir Orellana, Ed.D., Professor at NSU’s Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice, will be presenting at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Innovate 2020 Virtual Conference. The conference was originally scheduled to be held this spring in Chicago, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was revamped to a fully online conference and rescheduled for June 15-26.

Dr. Orellana’s session, Creating and Sharing VR with Google, will be a virtual hands-on workshop where participants will learn how to create simple 360 VR content using free Google-based tools with their smartphone and computer, and view their product with an inexpensive VR head mount such as Google Cardboard.

She currently teaches online graduate courses in the areas of instructional technology, distance education, instructional media, and instructional design. Her research interests are in the field of instructional technology and distance education, specifically quality in online courses and effective integration of technology for learning.