Faculty Member Gives Presentations on Stress at Conferences

Sharon C. Siegel

Sharon C. Siegel

Sharon C. Siegel, DDS, MS, MBA, gave two presentations this fall, both of which focused on coping with stress.

She gave a presentation on Sept. 26 at the Emerald Coast Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) meeting in Destin, Fla. The title of her presentation was “Reducing Your Stress, Restoring Your Sleep and Managing Your Burnout: One Breath at a Time.”  The presentation was well-attended, and participant feedback was positive.

Siegel also presented at the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) Annual Session in Orlando on Oct. 26 with two ACLM colleagues. The title of her presentation was “Combatting Provider Stress: The Solution May be Right Under your Nose.”

The session was sold out. The ACLM is a specialty in the American Medical Association that uses the six pillars of healthy lifestyle to focus on addressing chronic illness in their practices. The six pillars are nutrition, exercise, sleep stress management, avoidance of risky substances, and social connection.