NSU Receives Approval by Top University Accrediting Body

Dr. Belle Wheelan, President of SACSCOC with NSU President and CEO George L. Hanbury II

Nova Southeastern University received notification from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) that our Fifth-Year Interim Report has been successfully accepted with no additional reporting requested.

SACSCOC is the body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education institutions in the Southern states. It serves as the common denominator of shared values and practices primarily among the diverse institutions in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Latin America and certain other international sites approved by the SACSCOC Board of Trustees that award associate, baccalaureate, master’s, or doctoral degrees.

The Commission also accepts applications for membership from domestic institutions in the other 39 states, as well as international institutions of higher education around the world.

Congratulations to all for this recognition of NSU as a preeminent university of quality and distinction!

Posted 12/05/23

Honors Student’s Nonprofit Bridges Global Educational Gaps

Tasfia Howlader

Tasfia Howlader, a passionate freshman Farquhar Honors College student, is making a global impact through her nonprofit, Amader Shopno (Our Dream). Fueled by the challenges faced by underprivileged students, her mission is to bridge the educational divide.

“The gap between education and the educational supplies [needed] for those around the world is one that not a lot of people are familiar with,” Howlader said. “Amader Shopno strives to raise awareness [about] the significance of education and empower the next generation with gratitude for the individuals who help shape them into who they are.”

Howlader was inspired to create this nonprofit during the COVID-19 pandemic as she witnessed family members in Bangladesh struggling without access to educational devices when classes moved online. Her passion was further intensified by a trip to Ghana in 2022 as part of the Nyah Project, where she witnessed the disparities in education there.

Her nonprofit has provided school supplies to those in need in both local and global communities, including Bangladesh. Social media is a big part of her advocacy, as she uses Instagram (@AmaderShopnoInc) to promote and achieve her goals.

“[The] most fulfilling part is [seeing] the difference the small steps make,” said Howlader. “I love being able to see a simple smile in exchange for effortless work.”

Her nonprofit work is intrinsically tied to her academic journey. Her drive to make education accessible for all propels her exploration of public policy and inclusivity in education as a public health major. She aspires to contribute to the healthcare field specifically, focusing on research, public health policy, and the impact of identity in healthcare.

Learn more about Amader Shopno.

Posted 12/10/23

FY2025 PRG and QOL Grant Cycles Now Open

The FY 2025 President’s Research Grant (PRG), formerly the Presidents Faculty Research Development Grant (PFRDG), and Quality of Life (QOL) grant cycles are now open! This year the application process will take place on Cayuse Sponsored Projects, NSU’s new grant management system. Applications are due via Cayuse no later than January 22, 2024, 5:00 p.m.. More information, as well as application instructions, can be found on the PRG and QOL websites, linked below. Through these programs, eligible faculty may apply for internal grants of up to $15,000 in support of a variety of research and scholarly activities. PRG and QOL are tremendous opportunities to obtain support for research and scholarship at NSU, and to build faculty research capacity that can be leveraged toward external funding pursuits.

For more information about how to apply and program guidelines, visit the PRG program website here and the QOL website here. For questions, please contact PRG@nova.edu or QOL@nova.edu.

Posted 12/10/23

Learn About Media Literacy in the Era of Fake News, Nov. 7

The Farquhar Honors College and the Alvin Sherman Library present “The Open Classroom: Beyond Fake News & Deepfake Fear: Hope & Media Literacy.”

Join us for an open discussion on fake news and deepfakes and the importance of media literacy in combatting falsehoods.

  • When: Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 12:30 p.m.
  • Where: Cotilla Gallery, Alvin Sherman Library, 2nd floor
  • Free and open to the public
  • Register here

The Open Classroom series features conversations with scholars from various disciplines who share their expertise on important issues and provide insightful perspectives rarely seen in the media.

Posted 10/27/23

Honors Students Participate in World Mental Health Day

Students take a group picture after completing the Mental Health First Aid certification course.

Each year on Oct. 10, we celebrate World Mental Health Day (WMHD), a day where individuals and organizations raise awareness of mental health issues around the world to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. During this day, individuals working on mental health field share their current work and what needs to be done to make mental health and wellbeing a reality all.

In celebration of WMHD this Oct. 10, 16 students in the Farquar Honors College became certified Mental Health First Aiders. Similar to First Aid in which individuals are able to help others in an emergency situation, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based, early intervention and public education program that helps individuals identify, understand, and respond to those exhibiting signs of mental problems or crises. There are separate training courses for assisting adults and youth, and a variety of specialized training topics which focus on those working with vulnerable populations such as Fire/EMS, Military/Veterans, Public Safety, and Higher Education, to name a few.

The training was offered through the Exploring Population Mental Health and Wellbeing course (BPH 3990H) taught by Christi M. Navarro, Ph.D., M.S., an Assistant Professor of Public Health at the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine and certified MHFA Instructor. Navarro offers the training through an ongoing partnership with the United Way of Broward County who has certified over 100 NSU students in MHFA since 2020.

If you are interested in learning more about Mental Health First Aid or are interested in scheduling a training for your department or organization, please contact Dr. Navarro at cnavarro@nova.edu.

Posted 10/22/23

Honors College Student Publishes Poetry Book

Lakshmi Srikari Ravulaparthi and the front cover of her poetry book.

Farquhar Honors College student Lakshmi Srikari Ravulaparthi published a self-written poetry book on BookLeaf Publishing titled “Intricate Simplicity.” Ravulaparthi’s book is a collection of short poems that focuses on embracing life’s myriad emotions through escapism while remaining in the truth of reality.

Ravulaparthi’s inspiration for her poetry book sprouted at a young age when she discovered her fascination with art, nature, beauty, and the world around her. From traveling and living in numerous places to being trained as an Indian classical dancer, photographer, and music experimenter, that fascination cultivated into a passion as Ravulaparthi grew to express herself through poetry to convey her inner thoughts.

“I always hoped to publish an original work, and Intricate Simplicity is only the beginning of this personal journey towards self-discovery,” said Ravulaparthi, a senior behavioral neuroscience major. “Storytelling has always been a part of my life in distinctive ways, be it dance or reading books to my younger sister during childhood. I derive fun and happiness from creating and communicating scenarios.”

While being a full-time undergraduate student and a self-published writer, Ravulaparthi has no upcoming writing projects but has already envisioned potentially publishing a children’s fantasy book in the future.

After graduation, she plans to attend medical school to become a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician and a social worker for her community. Ravulaparthi is dedicated to helping others around her. She hopes to someday combine her passions for the arts and community service by establishing her own non-profit organization to help underserved children who can’t pursue an interest due to financial issues.

“Being an honors student helped me grow in ways I wouldn’t have otherwise,” said Ravulaparthi. “From the Carreyrou Reading Seminar my sophomore year to the Microorganisms Open Classroom my junior year… each experience either offered new insight into significant topics or became an unforgettable experience as part of my undergrad journey. I will forever be grateful for all my connections through this honors family.”

Posted 10/22/23

Honors Student Awarded Phi Kappa Phi Grant

Honors student Emma Bryant

Honors student Emma Bryant recently was awarded a study abroad grant worth $1,000 from the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi — the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Bryant is one of 125 students nationwide to receive the award.

“I was very excited to receive the Phi Kappa Phi Study abroad grant to support my summer abroad,” she said. “I am thankful for the financial support that contributed to my time abroad.”

The grants are designed to support undergraduates, both members and nonmembers from campuses that have Phi Kappa Phi chapters, as they seek expanded knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad.

Currently a senior majoring in public health and part of the Honors in Major program, Bryant used the grant to study abroad in South Africa.

“I chose South Africa as my study abroad location because it is a unique location with varying health needs,” she said. “I knew there would be opportunities to use my public health skills while doing an internship. South Africa is a beautiful country and Cape Town is picturesque with mountains, oceans, and wildlife.”

The selection process for a study abroad grant is based on the applicant’s academic achievement, campus and community service, relation of travel to academic preparation and career goals, a personal statement, letters of recommendation, and acceptance into a study abroad program. Each recipient receives $1,000 to be applied toward travel abroad.

Established in 2001, the Study Abroad Grant Program is part of the Society’s robust portfolio of award and grant programs, which gives $1.3 million each year to outstanding students and members through graduate and dissertation fellowships, funding for post-baccalaureate development, and grants for local, national ,and international literacy initiatives.

Learn more about the Study Abroad Program and other Phi Kappa Phi awards.

Posted 10/08/23

Honors College, Library Explore Final Frontier on Oct. 17

The Farquhar Honors College and the Alvin Sherman Library present “The Open Classroom: Beyond Earth – Technology & Culture on Humanity’s Final Frontier.”

Join us for an open discussion on the ethical and cultural implications of space exploration using the humanities and technology.

  • When: Tuesday, Oct. 17 at 12:30 p.m.
  • Where: Cotilla Gallery, Alvin Sherman Library, 2nd floor
  • Free and open to the public
  • Register here

The Open Classroom series features conversations with scholars from various disciplines who share their expertise on important issues and provide insightful perspectives rarely seen in the media.

Posted 10/03/23

Interprofessional Education, Simulation to Open Gateway to Future of Health Care at NSU

For years, NSU has been raising the bar on health care in South Florida through interprofessional education and simulation. Our philosophy and practice have focused on training future professionals to interact with patients and collaborate as members of health care teams before practicing in real-life health care environments.

To enhance and expand our current world-class health care facilities, NSU Health is seizing the opportunity to put them under one roof at the future site of a brand new, standalone Interprofessional Simulation Complex, or SimCom.

This facility – spearheaded by EVP and COO Dr. Harry Moon and NSU Health – will serve as the cornerstone of NSU’s health care footprint on the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus, strategically located near the health care colleges, NSU Health’s clinics, the Center for Collaborative Research, and the HCA University Hospital. The facility’s infrastructure will be used by students on campus as well as all regional campuses virtually. Slated to open in 2025, SimCom will be supported by NSU Health’s new Interprofessional Simulation Institute – led by Executive Director Dawn Wawersik. The Institute – which already oversees the administration and operations of simulation activities for the university.

These cutting-edge endeavors will culminate in a uniquely beneficial asset to NSU students, educators, and researchers across all our regional campuses, as well as the health care community and industry at large. The much smaller former Dolphins training facility building, previously considered to house SimCom, will be repurposed to address much-needed office and classroom space on campus.

Learn more about these exciting endeavors.

Posted 09/26/23

Honors College Launches Alumni Mentorship Program

Honors student Ruthie Fogel meets with her mentor Mariam Haroun, D.M.D., over Zoom.

The Farquhar Honors College alumni mentorship program has created lasting relationships between honors students and alumni. Launched during the winter semester, the program connected students with alumni mentors with similar career interests who could help them achieve their professional and academic goals for the year.

Meeting every month over Zoom, alumni were able to advise their assigned students on everything from mental health and stress management to college and career advice. Some students were even fortunate enough to receive special opportunities from their mentors like research, publication, and shadowing experience.

For Ruthie Fogel, this was an especially lucky match, as her mentor Mariam Haroun, D.M.D., is a practicing orthodontist in her hometown. As an aspiring orthodontist herself, Fogel was able to shadow her mentor every week over the summer.

“Shadowing [Dr. Haroun] was a very valuable and rewarding experience . . . Her dedication to the art and science of orthodontics has motivated and inspired me to keep dreaming of attending dental school and pursuing orthodontics!” said Fogel, a sophomore engineering major. “A big takeaway from the alumni mentorship program is that it taught me to try new things, to always be curious of the unknown, and to be unafraid to step outside of one’s comfort zone.”

For alumni, the voluntary program gave them a meaningful way to stay connected to the college and help shape the paths of current honors students.

“These mentees are so mature and bright, and they’re involved in so many aspects of education, which is so wonderful to witness,” said Tia Cifu, a class of 2017 honors alumna with a B.S. in mathematics and an M.B.A from NSU. “I’m very proud to be an alum of this program.”

The program will run each year with mentoring relationships lasting for the entire academic year. The next round of the program will begin this fall.

“As someone who is considering pursuing a Ph.D. directly out of undergrad, [my mentor] was a perfect match for me because we were able to talk about her experiences, and I was able to see what life looks [like] for someone who was in my shoes not so long ago,” said Courtney White, a senior chemistry and marine biology major. “Mentor-mentee relationships are special connections, and I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to establish a relationship with someone who can provide me with a point of view I didn’t have access to before.”

Posted 09/25/23

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