Terry Savage, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies (DCRS) in the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center (HCAS), was invited by internationally acclaimed poet author, Ellen Hinsey, currently a visiting professor at the University of Göttingen, to deliver a lecture on Nonviolence, Armed Struggle and Transformation in South Africa. The lecture formed part of a course Hinsey is teaching on the Literature of Nonviolence.
Terry Savage, Ph.D.
Savage recently joined the department.
Savage worked in South Africa’s vibrant non-profit sector for the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, setting up projects in the Congo, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Zimbabwe, running a fellowship for the International Center for Transitional Justice (92 fellows, 24 societies in transition, four years), and publishing avidly on reconciliation and transition in Africa. He has served with the United Nations as Chief of Human Rights Reporting in Burundi and as Reparations Policy Adviser in Nepal, where he used ellicitive methods to produce a national reparations policy that incorporated victims’ needs and priorities in their own words.
He has taught extensively at Stellenbosch University since 2003 and has been consulted widely. Recent clients have been the Berghof Foundation, working with the challenges posed to mediation efforts by conflicting versions of history; Avocats Sans Frontières in Mali, brokering channels between victims’ groups and Mali’s Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission; and the German civil peace service in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, building dignifying interviewing methods for consulting women & girls returning from abduction and sexualized enslavement under Da’esh / Islamic State.
Complementing his work with Nova Southeastern, Dr Savage enjoys a continuing research affiliation with the University of Leuven and is on the UN’s Governance and Peacebuilding Experts Roster for Africa, the board of the Swiss Restorative Justice Forum and the editorial team for the Africa volume of a project to establish an international encyclopedia on Restorative Justice.
Posted 07/31/22