NSU Psychology Student Opens Shark Cage Business at Mako Hall

Angelina Santoro, NSU Writing and Communication Center (WCC) undergraduate consultant and third year Psychology Major, with minors in Business, Entrepreneurship, Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), and Honors Transdisciplinary Studies, celebrated the grand opening of “Cheeselicious” at the Razor’s Edge Shark Cage in Mako Hall on Sept. 11, 2020. Santoro is in the Razor’s Edge Shark Cage Scholars Program. In fulfillment of the program, “Cheeselicious” came about from Santoro’s love of mac and cheese and inspiration from a family friend.

Operating on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Shark Cage at Mako Hall, “Cheeselicious” brings in a family-famous four-cheese baked mac and cheese to South Florida, and features a create-your-own mac and cheese bar, providing customers with a variety of toppings at an affordable price. Santoro stated, “My hope is to trademark my business name and continue its legacy for generations of NSU students, faculty, staff, and local Floridians to continue to enjoy!”

When asked how working at the WCC and being in the Shark Cage program has shaped her NSU experience, Santoro answered, “No other programs have provided me with the same level of support and encouragement to fulfill my dreams and make them into a reality as these two.”

Santoro attributes the Shark Cage program and WCC communities to her success and involvement at NSU. She explained, “I enhanced my ability to establish profound interpersonal relationships with those of both communities to the point that I was able to engage in opportunities I would have never received at another university, or from NSU itself as an unengaged student. In essence, working with the Shark Cage program and the WCC advanced my critical thinking, time-management, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. Both allowed me to become a refined young woman, motivated by a passion for success while receptive to the needs of others.”

For more information about “Cheeselicious,” be sure to check out the website, Yelp page, and follow them on Instagram (@cheeselicioussss).  The business also offers individual platters and large party catering options! For more information, contact Santora (as3919@mynsu.nova.edu) or program director, Cheryl Babcock (babcockc@nova.edu).


NSU Writing and Communication Executive Director Publishes chapter in Leading through Crisis, Conflict, and Change in Higher Education

Kevin Dvorak, Ph.D

Kevin Dvorak, Ph.D., Executive Director of the NSU Writing and Communication (WCC) published “The FOCUS on Faculty Model of Crisis Leadership: Remote Leadership Support across Institutional Contexts,” in Leading through Crisis, Conflict, and Change in Higher Education, published by Magna Publications, 2020.

Dvorak’s chapter, coauthored by Russell Carpenter, Ph.D. (Eastern Kentucky University), Michael G. Strawser, Ph.D. (University of Central Florida), Timothy Ford, Ph.D. (University of Oklahoma), and Masha Krsmanovic, Ph.D. (University of Southern Mississippi), to provide faculty development professionals a model to “support and enhance student learning” (19). Dvorak et al. developed the FOCUS model:

F- frame the situation,

O- identify urgent opportunities,

C- communicate your message,

U- understand stakeholder needs,

S- suggest tangible action steps,

to assist faculty in times of crisis, in order to enhance student learning experiences. This five step framework for institutional leadership addresses the need for accessible leadership models during the era of remote instruction.

The authors write, “While this concept of leadership amid remote delivery of institutional programs and courses might differ from traditionally defined leadership, several considerations rise to the top: the need for timely information among a variety of priorities for quality and accessibility” (22). The FOCUS model not only addresses these needs appropriately, but also allows for several paths for institutions to implement.

Other topics discussed throughout the book include challenges of educating students on campus response to COVID issues, the need for leadership, crisis response and communication, change of management from academic leadership, leadership in higher education, and more.

Leading through Crisis, Conflict, and Change in Higher Education is now available for purchase.

To learn more about the NSU Writing and Communication Center, visit https://www.nova.edu/wcc/.






NSU Writing and Communication Center Executive Director Publishes article in WLN- Journal of Writing Center Scholarship

Kevin Dvorak, Ph.D.

Kevin Dvorak, Ph.D., Executive Director of the NSU Writing and Communication Center (WCC) published “How Course-Embedded Consultants and Faculty Perceive the Benefits of Course-Embedded Writing Consultant Programs,” in WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship, vol. 44, no. 7-8.

In the article Dvorak published with along with Julia Bleakney and Paula Rosinski from Elon University, Russell Carpenter from Eastern Kentucky, and Scott Whiddon from Transylvania University, Dvorak et al. studied how embedded tutoring helps first-year composition students achieve course learning outcomes and how course-embedded consultants (CECs) and faculty perceive the benefits. Dvorak, et al. conducted a survey that examined several benefits of CEC programs across four different institutions.

The research not only highlights the several benefits of CEC programs that apply across differing institutional types, but the findings suggest, “CECs believe the work they are doing with students reinforces a long-standing goal for writing centers: providing students with interactions and experiences that help them identify, develop, and hone their own writing processes” (14).

Each semester, the WCC works with faculty to identify potential undergraduate “writing-enriched” (WE) courses. These courses include significant writing through the discourse. The WCC then provides Writing Fellows to each WE course. Writing Fellows are course-embedded writing and communication consultants who assist students with their writing assignments for their particular course.

To learn more about the NSU Writing and Communication Center, visit https://www.nova.edu/wcc/.



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