The Office of Human Resources’ Rally Rewards Seminar Scheduled, June 25


Want to Earn $10 in Rally?

During the month of June, OHR, in partnership with Wells Fargo will provide three seminars via Zoom on financial stressors that can impact us financially during COVID-19. You can earn $10 per session with the passing of a quiz with an 80% or higher.  Spouses and/or domestic partners can register for the session to receive credit as well.  


June 23, 2020 at 12:00 pm

Managing Fraud & Identify Theft during COVID-19

June 25, 2020 12:00 p.m.

Let’s Talk Credit

Office of Human Resources Announces “Living the Values” Nominees for March 2020

The NSU’s Office of Human Resources is proud to announce the “Living the Values” employee recognition program.

This program serves to provide examples of the many different ways that NSU employees put the university’s Core Values into action. Each month we will highlight your stories and pictures of how you and your teammates living the Core Values each and every day.

The purpose of the Living the Values program is to recognize our co-workers who are living NSU’s eight core values. Additionally, the program guides employees to a clear understanding of what the core values are and how they each contribute to the achievement of NSU’s Vision 2020.

Program guidelines can be found on the Living the Values web page, along with a Living the Values Departmental kit.

We cannot wait to hear about all the exciting and inspirational ways that you are “Living the Values.”


The Office of Human Resources to Host “Becoming a Manager,” a Panel Discussion Open to NSU Employees

This panel discussion is designed for individuals who are interested in becoming a manager or supervisor. This session will review basic skills and competencies that leading others and overseeing a departmental function requires. This panel discussion will take place on March 11, 2020, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Knight Auditorium.

What question would you like to have asked of our discussion panel made up of current people managers?

Note: this group will not be answering questions specific to the process of promotion at NSU, but rather general questions related to mindset, skills, and experiences helpful in the role of a people manager.

Ask your question here:

For NSU Regional Campus locations – join us on a live webinar session on “Becoming a People Manager”

Register here:

Office of Human Resources to Host Health and Wellness Fair

Get Ready for a Spooktacular Time! NSU employees are cordially invited to attend the NSU Employee Health and Wellness Fair on Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Don Taft University Center in the Arena on the 1st floor/main court.

At the Health and Wellness Fair, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Complete Biometrics Health Screening (Employees enrolled in the ICUBA medical Plan)
  • Earn $25 in Rally Rewards
  • Participate in a costume and pumpkin carving contest
  • Go Trick or Treating with vendors
  • Meet your NSU colleagues who can support your pursuit of wellness
  • Be bold – get a free flu shot
  • Have fun and win door prizes

There will be plenty of vendors, food, giveaways and doors prizes, so please plan to attend this year’s event!  We look forward to seeing you on October 30 and do not forget to bring your shark card!

Office of Human Resources: Upcoming Wellness Seminars

During the month of September, HCA Hospital will host two seminars: Colorectal Cancer Screening, September 17 and Cholesterol..check the facts, September 24. The HCA sessions will be available in person and via GoToTraining. Both seminars will begin at 12:00 p.m.

$10 in Rally Rewards will be offered per seminar.  If you are attending the HCA Seminar in person, please register via Shark Talent.  If you are attending via GoToTraining, you are required to complete a quiz at the end of the session for Rally dollars.  As a reminder, spouses and/or domestic partners covered under the medical plan can attend the sessions via GoToTraining for Rally credits.

Office of Human Resources: Wellness Made Simple

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

Vaccines (or shots) help prevent dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases.  Vaccines aren’t just for kids – adults need to get vaccinated to stay protected from serious illnesses like the flu, measles, and pneumonia.

The summer months is the perfect time to schedule an appointment with your Primary Care Physician.  Under the NSU ICUBA medical plan, immunizations are covered at 100%.  You can speak with NSU Pharmacy at 954-262-4550 or the Employee Health Clinic at 954-678-2273 for more information about the necessary vaccines.

Access To Your Benefits Summary

Adult Immunization Schedule

Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule

Office of Human Resources Upcoming Wellness Seminars

During July, HCA Hospital will host three seminars: chronic back Pain, chat with a Podiatrist, and ER vs. Urgent Care.  The HCA sessions will be available in person and via GoToTraining.   All seminars will begin at 12 p.m.

July 25, 2019

Employee Wellness Seminar: Chat with a Podiatrist

July 30, 2019

Employee Wellness Seminar: ER vs. Urgent Care


$10 in Rally Rewards will be offered per seminar.  If you are attending the HCA seminar in person, please register via SharkTalent.  If you are attending via GoToTraining, you are required to complete a quiz at the end of the session for  Rally dollars. As a reminder, spouses and/or domestic partners covered under the medical plan can attend the sessions via GoToTraining for Rally credits.


NSU Human Resources to host Leadership Summit-June 28

Following in the tradition of the past 2 years, NSU will be hosting a full day Leadership Development conference this June 28.

Through pre-recorded lectures and cross-departmental application conversations, NSU leaders are invited to hear world-class speakers explore current topics, including:

  • Facing challenging times in higher education
  • What makes us feel good about our work
  • The power of vulnerability
  • Increasing focus and clarity in our work
  • Finite vs infinite leadership
  • Reducing complexity in the workplace

Attendees will walk away with action items for applying key learning and developing the environment in their own department, while enhancing contribution to Nova Southeastern University.

Lunch, coffee and refreshments will be provided.

Open to all people managers of NSU, please register in Shark Talent Management to reserve your spot – limited to 100 seats on a first come, first serve basis.

For any questions, please contact Jonathan Harrison, Learning & Organizational Development – x27869

NSU Leadership Summit 2019 FAQ

What is the NSU Leadership Summit?

A full day of learning, discussion, and networking with NSU leaders, that combines leading speakers, thought provoking application questions, and best practice sharing.

When is the event?

June 28 from 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. and the first session will begin at 9:00 a.m. promptly.

Where will it take place?

The Sales Institute in the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business & Entrepreneurship
3300 S. University Drive, Ft. Lauderdale Florida 33314

How do I register?

Due to limited availability, registration in Shark Talent Management is required and will be limited to the first 100.

This event is for faculty and NSU Employees only.

**If you are unable to attend for any reason, please notify Jonathan Harrison at 954-262-7869 as soon as possible, so that the seat may be provided to another leader – we expect these openings to go fast**

Human Resources to Host Coping with Change – June 2019

In today’s organizations, change is the rule rather than the exception. Reorganization, rapid growth and new technology are among the major changes. The purpose of this workshop is to highlight practical and proven methods for coping with organizational change.

We’ll discuss: Low- and high-magnitude organizational change, Personal impact of change, the
seven stages of change, and coping skills for work and home.

Dates Offered: 6/12/19 12:30 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Location: Knight Auditorium, Carl DeSantis Building

Don’t forget to check out upcoming sessions in the Employee Professional Development Catalog for FY2020 HERE:

Office of Human Resources to host Financial Essentials Live Webinars – TIAA

As part of NSU’s commitment to enhance Financial Wellness,The Office of Human Resources and TIAA are pleased to provide the following free webinars. The topics are related to life insurance, estate planning and more.

May Financial Essentials Live Webinars

Demystifying Life Insurance

May 16 at 12 p.m. (ET)

Estate Planning Basics

May 21 at 12 p.m. (ET)

Click here to see more topics and full details on this months’ webinars.

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