NSU University School Students Selected As Miami Herald Silver Knight Awards Nominees

Jan. 16 edition Silver Knight final

NSU University School nominees (from left to right) and the categories they will be competing in are: Aysha Zackria – English • Ben Myerow – Athletics • Nicolas Barron – Music • Lucas Han – Social Science • Tyler Katz – Speech • Jon Oshinsky – General Scholarship • Sydney Bonchick – Art • Isha Goel – Science

NSU University School is proud to congratulate the seniors who have been selected as nominees for the Miami Herald Silver Knight Awards, one of the most highly regarded student awards programs in the nation. These outstanding students are being recognized for their commitment to academics and for generously applying their specialized knowledge and talents to give back to their schools and communities. All nominees will be interviewed by a panel of judges who will select one Silver Knight and three Honorable Mentions in various categories. Winners will be announced at the award ceremony in the spring.

NSU University School Upper School Students Mentor Lower School Students

National Science Honor Society and 5th Grade

NSU University School Upper School students have many opportunities to mentor our younger students. Members of the Science National Honor Society and the World In Distress (WIND) Club recently visited 5th grade students in our Lower School to conduct an educational program about Florida’s native plants. Following the informative presentations about the importance of our native plants, the 5th grade students had the opportunity to plant a variety of native species of their own to keep. Once their plants sprout, the students were encouraged to then plant the seedlings directly into the ground and watch them grow!

NSU University School Students Exercise Their Minds and Bodies


NSU University School students are always exercising their minds and their bodies. Students in grades 2-5 have been working hard and enjoying daily physical activities by participating in FitnessGram, a non-competitive health-related fitness assessment founded by The Cooper Institute. FitnessGram works to help schools evaluate and evolve their physical education programming into an education experience that supports the whole child. It is always great to see our students stay in shape and learn healthy habits at school by enjoying recess, sports, and quality physical education. We are proud of our little Sharks!

NSU University School Students Qualify for Robotics State Championship

University School2

NSU University School congratulates our Upper School Robotics teams who have qualified to compete in the VEX State Championship. The teams won four major awards at the 3rd Annual VEX Robotics Orange Bowl Tournament including:

  • the Design Award, best designed robot
  • the Think Award, best autonomous robot
  • the Robot Skills Champion, the highest driver and autonomous points
  • the Excellence Award, overall winner of the entire tournament.

These awards advanced our teams to compete in the State Championship that will take place in March. We look forward to watching our Robotics students continue to succeed and make us proud!

NSU to Host Local High School Students for Communication & Entrepreneurship Program

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream!

During National Ice Cream Month this July, local high school students will have the opportunity to make their own ice cream recipe and marketing plan at Nova Southeastern University (NSU). The Department of Writing and Communication at NSU’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS) is offering a FREE weeklong Ice Cream Entrepreneur Program. The program will run daily from 9 a.m. – noon July 16 to 20 for high school students with an interest in communications, advertising, business, branding and public relations.

Student teams will spend four days of the week learning how to create and launch a new ice cream flavor in partnership with Yo Mama’s Ice Cream shop of Fort Lauderdale. The program will be held at NSU’s Fort Lauderdale/Davie campus and on-site at the ice cream shop (901 Sunrise Lane, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304). On the final day, students will deliver an oral presentation at NSU’s Fort Lauderdale/Davie campus pitching their ice cream flavor and marketing plan to a panel of judges. The winning flavor will have the opportunity to be produced locally by the shop.

CAHSS created the program as a community-led experiential learning opportunity for high school students interested in the field of communications.

“Following the success of last year’s program, we are excited to bring back the Ice Cream Entrepreneurship experience and to teach a new group of students,” said Stephen Andon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Writing and Communication from NSU’s CAHSS. “Our goal is to help these highschoolers harness their creative abilities to develop a business plan and exercise their writing and presentation skills.”

Students enrolled in the program will:

  • Receive a certificate upon completion
  • Work with NSU professors and business professionals to develop their product
  • Advance their creative skills in advertising, branding, and oral presentations
  • Practice experiential learning and critical thinking in a college setting

Schools with participating students include:

  • NSU University School
  • Sheridan Technical High School
  • Hollywood Hills High School
  • Sagemont Upper School
  • Atlanta Technical High School
  • American Heritage School
  • J.P. Taravella High School
  • Monsignor Pace High School
  • Doral Academy
  • Cooper City High School
  • Western High School
  • Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
  • Pompano Beach High School
  • College Academy

For more information about the Ice Cream Entrepreneurship program, please CLICK HERE.

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